Spring Field. Mixed media on found wood. 11 x 32 inches.
Streaming. Mixed media on found wood. 13 x 29 inches.
Can't Wait to Play. Acrylic, recycled paint can and pen on found wood. 9 x 40 inches.
Roadside Slush. Fabric, house paint, sand, pigment, spray paint on found wood.
14 x 37 inches. SOLD
14 x 37 inches. SOLD
Watrous Valmora. Acrylic, spray paint, old bank check on found wood. 15 x 20 inches.
The Bride and the Garden. Mixed media on found wood. 20 x 14.5 inches (framed).
Plain Vista. Acrylic and sharpie on found wood. 8 x 28 inches. SOLD
The House on the Hill. Acrylic on found wood. 6 x 26 inches.
Winter Fields. Acrylic on found wood. 15 x 20 inches.
Friday Night. Mixed media on wood. 9 x 40 inches.
Moonlight Through the Trees. Mixed media on found wood. 14 x 20 inches.
The Buttes. Mixed media on found wood. 13.5 x 9 inches. SOLD
Montana Dusk. Mixed media on found wood. 8 x 30 inches.
Blood Sun. Mixed media on found wood. 12 x 20 inches.
Distant Storm. Acrylic, pencil, spray paint, and powdered pigment on panel.
18 x 18 inches.
18 x 18 inches.
Prices available upon request. If you are interested in purchasing a piece or have a question about my work, please don't hesitate to contact me!